El grupo Verder se complace en anunciar la creación de Verder Scientific Iberia, nuestra decimotercera organización local de ventas en el mundo, que refuerza nuestro compromiso con la expansión del mercado y una mayor implicación con los clientes en España y Portugal.
Discover the future of hardness testing with our groundbreaking AI integration, QAI. Our technology sets new standards in precision and efficiency by utilising cutting-edge AI models specifically designed for the challenges of Vickers, Knoop and Brinell hardness testing.
Discover a revolution in quality assurance with our new hardness testers. Especially in times of automation and simplification of work processes, these devices are ideally suited, particularly with regard to digitalization, data transfer and networkability.
Fascinating insights into the world of materialography! Learn more about our exciting preparations or get tips and tricks from our experts.
QATM celebrated a fantastic premiere at this year’s control exhibition in Stuttgart: After the joining of forces of ATM (Mammelzen, Germany) and Qness (Golling, Austria) in 2020, it was the first time the companies exhibited under the new flag of QATM.
Verder Scientific has formally agreed to acquire all shares of the US company Mager Scientific Inc., distributor of metallographic and hardness testing equipment.
We are happy to present 5 new devices with outstanding features and functionality!
With the foundation of Verder Scientific Ltda. earlier this year, Verder Scientific is now represented by subsidiaries in the 10 largest economies in the world.
Are you looking for innovative, efficient solutions for your additive manufacturing or powder injection molding process? Particle Size and Shape Analysis, Elemental Analysis, Heat Treatment, Microstructural Analysis and Hardness Testing – the Verder Scientific companies offer high-quality solutions!
Haan, 6 February 2018 - Today the VERDER Group acquired the majority of the Austrian company Qness GmbH, thereby extending the portfolio of its Scientific Division with a product line for hardness testing.
The vibratory polishing device Qpol Vibro is designed for the virtually deformation-free preparation of specimen surfaces. It is ideal for further characterizations, e.g. EBSD (electron backscatter diffraction), AFM analysis and nanoindentation or micro hardness testing.
The Qcut 250 A is a compact and flexible semi-automatic wet abrasive cut-off machine with a 250 mm/10” cut-off wheel for workpieces or samples up to Ø 94 mm and combines the benefits and speed of a manual cut-off machine with the advantages of an automatic abrasive cutter.
For grinding and polishing processes with highest efficiency ATM has developed the new SaphirQpol 250 BOT robot which combines several meters of standard equipment for grinding and polishing in one single unit.
With the acquisition of ATM the VERDER group extends the portfolio of its Scientific Division in the business segment of sample preparation of solids. The company is a leading manufacturer of machines for metallographic applications.