
Lijadora y pulidora Qpol 300 M1 / M2

Lijadora y pulidora Qpol 300 M1

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Basic Equipment

Qpol 300 M1

M5631060Qpol 300 M1 base machine 200-240V/50/60Hz
M5631065Qpol 300 M1 base machine 100-120V/50/60Hz

Qpol 300 M2

M5631070Qpol 300 M2 base machine 200-240V 50/60Hz
M5631075Qpol 300 M2 base machine 100-120V 50/60Hz

Working wheel

1 item required for Qpol 300 M1
2 items required for Qpol 300 M2
Z5631002Working wheel Ø 250 mm
Z5631007Working wheel Ø 300 mm
Z5631017Working wheel Ø 250 mm PVC
Z5631018Working wheel Ø 300 mm PVC

Options (to be ordered with machine)

A5631003Preparation Qpol GO for Qpol 300 M1
A5631004Preparation Qpol GO for Qpol 300 M2

Options (can be ordered separately)

Z5600008Connection set manual grinding machines
Z5631004Clamping ring Ø 250 mm
Z5631009Clamping ring Ø 300 mm
Z5631022Qpol 300 Protection ring Ø 250 mm
Z5631023Qpol 300 Protection ring Ø 300 mm
92005820Magnetic Foil Ø 250 x 1,0 mm PSA
92005822Magnetic Foil Ø 300 x 1,0 mm PSA
A5810261Settling tank 45L for System Lab 2, mobile, with insertion mechanism for cabinet 800
A5810237Settling tank 45L for System Lab 2, mobile, with insertion mechanism for cabinet 900
A5800496Settling tank 45L for System Lab, mobile, without folding wheels
A5631000Qpol GO polishing head
Z1320000Connection-Set for air pressure

Dosing Unit Qdoser GO

M6300050Qdoser GO Base Unit
A6300051Holder for dosing nozzles for manual polisher
Z5631015Qdoser ONE
Z5631014Qdoser ONE holder
Z5631016Stand for Qdoser ONE

Sample holders for head GO

Z5450001Sample holder, single pressure Ø 120 mm 4x Ø 25 mm
Z5450002Sample holder, single pressure Ø 120 mm 4x Ø 25,2 mm
Z5450003Sample holder, single pressure Ø 120 mm 4x Ø 30 mm
Z5450004Sample holder, single pressure Ø 120 mm 4x Ø 1¼"
Z5450007Sample holder, single pressure Ø 120 mm 4x Ø 1½"
Z5450008Sample holder, single pressure Ø 120 mm 4x Ø 40 mm